Come Walk With Me

Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
      -----Matthew 11:28-30
See the source image
Undo apprehensions. 
Wipe away the day.
Find power that strengthens.
Today and always.

Come walk with me,
Your hand in mine,
Come be the fruit,
I am the vine.
      ------G. Hill

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
      ------2 Timothy 1:7
Road, Forest, Fall, Autumn, Season
Trees set for winter's rest
Colors to feast; Come be the guest.
Find release in full array.
Come walk with me,  your burdens at bay.
      ------G. Hill
Couple, Park, Autumn, Fall, Foliage, Maple, Trees, Path
Take My Arm and Walk With Me,
My Spirit With Yours, Eternally
—–G. Hill

In celebration of life cycles, see also:

When a Hummingbird Says Goodbye

Conversations with a Butterfly

Light, Forest, Path, Trees, Fall, Red, Orange, Leaves
What a privilege to be part of this cycle; to be part of the grand design amid the continuation of life. Sun-up, sun-down, seasons shift and life rebounds.
      G. Hill

11 Comments Add yours

  1. wheatroadgirl says:

    Totally enjoyed today’s writings.


    1. Thank you Wheatroad girl.
      When I recall Wheat Road in the 50s and 60s, I remember Pulmonari’s Bakery. I even remember when the Pulmonari’s Bakery Van made weekly stops at our house. The driver would open up the back of the van, slide out trays of cupcakes and other luscious treats. Many times, there was no money for such goodies. But the bakery driver, reading my eyes, would hand me a cupcake with pink icing. I would swirl that cupcake in my hand—too beautiful to devour right away. I would thank him and go into the house with my mom, and wait for the perfect moment for that first sweet bite. Anticipation is never overrated.
      Hmmm. Maybe this should be a story to write.


  2. Nancy E Buhrer says:

    oh yes “come to me…” how often I repeat these words of scripture when life gets tough!


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